
Sarah is Boden's in house stylist as well as Founder of Sarahs Wardrobe. She lives in West London with husband Ned and son Lyon. 

Tell us a bit about yourself; what you studied at Uni and the path that has lead you to where you are now.

I grew up in the country and studied Fine Art at the Slade in London. I then got a studio and was busy painting away. I then craved stress, so I went and interned at Conde Nast International. I worked my way up from the Fashion Cupboard to assist the Vogue Russia Fashion Director, which I loved. It was super fast paced and every day was certainly different. I then found myself over worked and not filling my life with anything else. I was totally obsessed with my work. I woke up one day had a revelation and I quit. I then went and lived in Paris on my own for 6 months and went back to painting. I love that I will always have painting to fall back onto. I really needed some time out. I then moved back to London, met my husband and got my current job at Boden. Life has a funny way of working itself out.

You are Boden's in house stylist - tell us what you oversee and outline of your job. 

My main responsibility is putting all of the outfits together for the catalogue. The range is vast and everything has to have a page to sell on, its a bit like a jigsaw puzzle that often doesn’t quite fit! I also oversee the e-commmerce outfitting. And I work with the brand team on various projects, including press days and events. 

Have you always loved clothes?  Did you always know you would work in the fashion industry? 

I have always treasured clothes. I remember when I was younger I would sit and put clothes together in front of my bathroom mirror, I have always loved it. I will always remember what someone is wearing, and have done since a very young age. For as long as I can remember my shopping habit has been outrageous! Some might call it a problem!

Your other half is the Founder of gift subscription company Not Another Bill - Your flat is a treasure trove of objects. Give us your top tips for sourcing things and where you tend to go? 

I like the way you call it a treasure trove! Some might call it a collection of crap! I think it comes back to my shopping problem, I love to buy something from everywhere we go. I love collecting. It also makes me think of that time, which I really like. It might be a piece of china fruit from an antiques market or a napkin from a restaurant. Always keep your eyes and ideas open. The more the merrier! I would say our flat is like a collection of our memories.

You recently had a baby - what are your tips for new mothers in juggling work/ life and getting that balance - if there is such a thing?! Also to show the bump off or hide?

YES, of course there is a balance and it’s up to us mothers to find it. I always remind myself that our son, Lyon, came into our lives - he joined us! Its not the other way round. I go for a swim every morning before he gets up, my husband holds the fort, and this give me my 'me' time. I honestly think this is so important, I also try to meditate before I go to sleep, which really helps. I think a bump is super sexy - just don't wear tight knickers that you can see - not a good look! But yes show the bump off!

You are also founder of Sarah's Wardrobe (@sarahsactualwardrobe) Tell us a bit about this and what your plans are for the future. 

So as I have a serious shopping problem I thought it was time to start sharing where I shop, so I started Sarah’s Wardrobe. It a website that I update regularly of where I am shopping and what I am lusting after. I guess it makes me feel less guilty about shopping all the time!

We hear that you are going to start a rental for your pieces - this sounds very exciting! Explain!

So yes, my wardrobe is overflowing and as I tend to only wear a statement piece once.. the rental side of my business was born. You can rent for 4 or 8 days and they are mega pieces. From designer, vintage to high street, all very special.  So if you don't want to spend a fortune on a dress for a wedding but want to look FAB then visit my site. I know as a woman that when you feel great, you look great and you have an even greater time. 

Your wardrobe staple is…

Great question! I’ll give you a few - Blazer, White Shirt and an expensive bag.

What from the new Blake LDN AW18 collection are you loving and why? 

I adore the cedar green DOMINO jumper. I think the domino is genius - I love it. 

Sarah was photographed at home in West London by Thea Lovstad wearing the new collection. Words by Alice Byrom.


Alice Byrom